De volgende datasets zijn open access beschikbaar via de DANS Data Stations:

R. Keeton; M. Abu; S. Boly; E. Gurmu; B. Ketsomboon; J. Owour; D. Reckien (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente), 2024, “Database of perceived cause-effect relations in migration aspirations and decisions”,, DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities, V2

L. van Wissen; N. Vriend; A. Nijssen; L. Vereecken; M. den Engelse (Noord-Hollands Archief), 2024, “FAIR Photos – CLARIAH FAIR Data Call 2023”,, DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities, V1

D. Farace; S. Biagioni; C. Carlesi (GreyNet International), 2024, “Realizing the potential of grey literature by recognizing its publishers”,, DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities, V1

B. van Dijk; M.J. van Duijn; S. Verberne; M.R. Spruit (Leiden University), 2024, “ChiSCor: Children’s Story Corpus”,, DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities, V2

E. Bouw (Hogeschool Utrecht), 2024, “Replication Data for: Onderwijs over disciplinaire grenzen heen”,, DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities, V1

D. Brukx; T. Termorshuizen; J. Lodewick (ResearchNed; Ministerie van OCW), 2024, “LAKS-monitor 2023”,, DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities, V1

S. van Dorsselaer (Department of ISW: University Utrecht; Trimbos-instituut), 2024, “Jong na Corona: Welzijn van jongeren 2022 en inzet van NP Onderwijsmiddelen door scholen”,, DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities, V2

S. Stigter; M. Bundgaard (University of Amsterdam), 2024, “Interview Mark Manders on Room, Constructed to Provide Persistent Absence”,, DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities, V2

P. Bitter (Gemeente Alkmaar), 2024, “Opgraving Alkmaar Koorstraat ‘Gulden Vlies’ 2022 (22KST)”,, DANS Data Station Archaeology, V2

K. Pepers (Aeres University of Applied Sciences), 2024, “RhoC validation data from ‘Validation of a new Soil Bulk Density sensor'”,, DANS Data Station Physical and Technical Sciences, V1

A. Ural-Janssen; C. Kroeze; E. Meers; M. Strokal (Wageningen University & Research), 2024, “Data from: Large reductions in nutrient losses needed to avoid future coastal eutrophication across Europe”,, DANS Data Station Physical and Technical Sciences, V1

M. Broekman; J. Hilbers; S. Hoeks; M. Huijbregts; A. Schipper; M. Tucker (Radboud University), 2024, “Data of: Environmental drivers of global variation in home range size of terrestrial and marine mammals”,, DANS Data Station Life Sciences, V2

M. Berger; M. van Hartingsveldt; H. van Dongen; L. Valent; M. Sol; K. van Dijk; W. Dirks; C. Doorenbosch (De Haagse Hogeschool; Hogeschool van Amsterdam; Hogeschool Utrecht; Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), 2024, “OPTIMA – Naar een optimale match tussen kind en rolstoel”,, DANS Data Station Life Sciences, V2

B. Dejaco (HAN), 2024, “Repliaction data for the study on Experiences of Physiotherapists considering VR for shoulder rehabilitation”,, DANS Data Station Life Sciences, V2